Articles relatifs à la danse du 18ème siècle ou Siècle des Lumières: de la Régence avant Louis XV jusqu'à la Révolution française de 1789. Contredanse à la française (en carré), lonways (en colonne), allemande
The allemande, a dance throughout centuries
How did the "allemande" dance spanned the centuries? How did it evolve through time? Is it really from Germany, as the name implies? Answers.
Parson upon Dorothy : the other versions
Parson upon Dorothy is a melody for which the Dancing Master gives several choreographies. In this article, I analyse and reconstruct the 2nd and 3rd versions of this 18th-century dance.
Hambleton Round O
How to dance Hambleton Round O (1710s)? How to adapt it for the dancers of today?
Mr Beveridge’s Maggot, what’s that?
Did Jane Austen dance Mr. Beveridge's Maggot? What is the history of that dance?
What is a « cotillion » ?
What is a cotillion? A pieve of clothing, a slang word for a woman, a dance... History of that word over the centuries.